Karthaus summer school

Creative outbursts

The Karthaus summerschool had two musical evenings. The lyrics of Andrew's songs as well as the photo of Hans and Jakobs tango performance are available.
Also, we would like the knödel to conquer the world. A recipe can be found here.

Zur Goldenen Rose

The Karthaus summer school was accommodated in the excellent hotel Zur Goldenen Rose.

Sportive endeavours

Many students spend their free time in an overly active way. Read about the rules of the gentleman frisbee game and a detailed report of the traditional football match.

Media attention

Karthaus summer school made it to several papers. Download the newspaper articles of 'Dolomiten', 'Die neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung' and 'Der Vinschger' (all in German).

Karthaus football match

On Fryday the 14th after the end of the afternoon program, the traditional football match was played. Two teams were made of enthusiastic teachers and students. As both teams existed of students as well as teachers, they will be referred to by their principal goalkeepers: Team Michiel and Team Johan.

From the start Team Johan took the lead, by scoring three goals in a row. After the (late) arrival of some backup to strengthen Team Michiel, sides turned more even. Morten managed, after some scrambling before Johan's goal, to wipe out Michiel's zero score with a fairly resolute kick.
Very often a lot of time was spend kicking, pushing and blocking the ball along the fence of the football pitch. However, a beautiful 1-2 combination of Anne almost resultated in a goal, as did some of the amazing dribbles of Iestyn. Finally, Paul scored for Team Michiel, making the scores almost level.
A marvelous save from Michiel prevented Team Johan to increase the score difference. Unfortunately this rescue included kicking the ball over the fence, which is not a smart thing to do when playing on a mountain. After quite a few minutes of searching for the ball on the steep downward mountain slope behind Michiel's goal, Andrew found it and the play continued. Temperatures rose, at least those of the players, and it was time for a break.
Shortly after the beginning of the second half the first injury ocurred. Iestyn sprained his recently broken ankle and was out of the game. This loss was compensated by the arrival of Andrew Fowler, who joined the ranks of Team Johan. At the score of 5 to 4 in favour of Team Johan, Hilmar injured his knee in a dual, forcing him to remain in the goal and thus relieving Johan from his keepers task. This loss of star players definitively turned the odds against Team Johan. As it was almost diner time both teams agreed to play the last, winning goal. Nearly scoring this, Andrew bumped into Matthew, ending up with a bleeding upper lip. And so the match ended in remise at a 5-4 score.
Despite relatively much personal damage for one match, it was quite a satisfying continuation of Karthaus tradition. Next year another match!